²έΑρΙηΗψ science focuses on three major and urgent challenges which humankind and our natural world must face:
- >to discover the physical, chemical, geological and biological processes that drive the marine system so that we have the knowledge needed...
- >to describe and quantify how our coastal environment, where more than half the human population resides, responds to ever-increasing man-made pressures such as climate change, habitat destruction, pollution and resource overexploitation and to work with society on developing and testing mitigation and adaptation measures and finally
- >to develop a sustainable blue economy so that we can use the marine environment for the benefit of people without degrading its health and productivity.
To address these major challenges ²έΑρΙηΗψ science is multi-disciplinary, drawing on the expertise from physicists, mathematicians, biologists, geologists, chemists, social scientists, computer scientists, technologists, engineers and communicators.